Saturday, May 25, 2013

New Hi-Scores in RuneScape | YouTube

If you haven't watched "Behind the Scenes" video that Runescape released, regarding high scores. They are going to up in a new set of high scores.
Think of it like a competition, it's only there for a short time then they reset it.
So it could be a high scores for a certain set of skills and you the top 2 get special prizes. New emotes, skins, and crown.
I'm sitting on the fence with this. It's like spitting in the face of those that spent years on getting to the top of high scores.

Oh well, this doesn't effect me since I don't really care too much about high scores. Unless it's up against a friend, or a family member.
I will make an effort though. I don't know how I can keep up though unless I disown my kids and adopt Runescape as my child... hahah. No bloody way! I love my kids more than they would ever know, even when they piss me off. (Which is more often lately.. kids grow up into little monsters ya know ;))

Okay, so I am going to make huge effort into uploading videos at a certain time of the day of the week.

So starting Sunday 2nd June 2013, I will be uploading YT videos every Sunday at 2pm NZ time.

My channel has started to become more dedicated to Runescape '07, reason being I couldn't play EoC properly since they took away software mode. I think that's why. When I tried to play it would lag so bad, I couldn't attack anything without miss clicking several times. Playing '07 RS seemed the only option.
But now, that I have sort of got my laptop fixed, I can play again without a major lagfest! Wooohooo! So expect 'some' EoC content* from me at some point.

Thanks for reading, please subscribe to my YT channel. LivyGuides. Thanks and much appreciated.

*Please don't say EoC is for fags. It really isn't it's fun sometimes. I enjoy it just as much as '07 RS. :D

Friday, May 24, 2013

Quest Cape | Facing My Boss Fear

Quest Cape for 2013 goals
Here's the plan. I am going to play EoC on and off, and get the required levels to get the quest cape.
I only need the following levels 63/70 Prayer, 58/70 Construction, 66/77 Agility, 65/67 Hunting, 64/65 Herblore, 64/74 Theiving, 66/76 Crafting, 65/76 Mining, 68/80 Smithing and 63/65 Farming.


It's gonna be a hard long road. But with motivation I will get there.
The hardest part will be doing the quests. If anything, I cannot for the life of me get over the fear of going against a quest boss. I panic when my health goes down, and then freeze up.
I think I have to slowly build up my confidence.

I know, I'm a total noob. But if you had met me when I was trying to defeat the Elvag, you'd know why I don't do so well against bosses. Or just high level npc's.

Just thinking about Nomad.. Tormented Demons... and then there is Ritual of the Maharajahazahajajajajahanza.. NOOOOOOO... I can just see my deaths. 5 seconds into the fight and I'll be either dead or be spam clicking my house tele til kingdom come. Infact, for entertainment purposes I will record live reactions. So we all can laugh at how pathetic it sounds/looks. ;)

                                                     Image courtesy of Runescape Wiki

What was the hardest boss you went up against? Did you die, and how many times?
Or are you one of those that have no problems with hard bosses. Lucky you!
Thanks for reading.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dial-up speed & BF3 Fail?

I've been quite the busy little bee lately. Lots of things happening, not enough time to do it. Which is always the case. It's also getting colder, with winter approaching, I hope I don't get sick this time around.
Anyway, I managed to make an update video. I am not quite sure how to do update videos, but here is the first one so far.

Not really a flash as one, but it's a start.

So, I am unable to play RuneScape EoC at the moment, because this computer is old. Plus I am not very good at techy stuffs.

Example: I thought I was until I wanted to try out BF3 for the first time ever! Stupidly purchased & downloaded the game without even thinking whether this crappy PC would be able to play it.
So there I was, downloading and it was well over 20GB. GF Bandwidth.. Hello, dial-up speed for the next few days.
I purchased the game off, (they had a 24 hr deal buy it for $5!! w00t! Bargain!!) made an account. (LivyNZ I think?) Installed it, and went to bed. Installation would take at least another 3-4 hours at least and it was already 1:00am. Snoozy time for me.
Got up the next morning, after tending to the family. Turned on the screen, saw it was all ready to go. Yays!
Dove right in head first and tried to play "Campaign" or something. Haha! Sat there for at least a good 15 minutes. When a nice little pop up scares the hell out of me saying something about DirectX device creation error or something... Crap!!

Tried to see if I could update drivers, or if I could do anything to make my PC play this game.
There was nothing I could do unless I threw this computer out the blimming window and brought a new one. Or fix my laptop, which would probably cost the same as buying a new one. Sad.
Oh well. Never mind. BF3 will have to sit tight and wait as does RS3 urgh!

In other news haha. I've finished editing a quest. I just need to wait until dial-up mode has passed which should be next week.

I also finished my slayer task of Pyrefiends, luckily for me I was assigned Kalphites. Unlucky for them, they had to witness to the most noobiest fighter of all time.

I have had great fun in 2007 RS so far. Lot's of fun gathering things I need. My bank is a mess, I better clean it.

What's the worst slayer task you have ever been assigned? At the moment, mine is Earth Warriors... 2 words for this task... P.K, well that was actually 2 letters, but never mind.

See you in 07.