Thursday, September 12, 2013

All Fired Up Beacon Network Minigame Guide | RuneScape 3

Ugh. This mini game or little quest was so hard for me complete.
I couldn't find any up to date information about how to get to some of the beacons after the new Burthorpe update.

So here is a quick guide on how to get it done assuming you have done the quests for it and are using a War Tortoise.

I was only able to complete 10 beacons, as my fire making was only at level 84 at the time I did it.

Prepare everything before lighting any beacons!!
(You can stock all the beacons with logs and they will stay there until you light them! You don't have to rush this part, go as slow as you wish.. I did and it took me over an hour. Only because I didn't know what I was doing or where I was going!)

You'll be using 250 of the same logs so use the highest burning logs that you can afford. I had mahogany logs on hand so thats what I used. The higher leveled log you have the longer they will burn. Giving you more time to complete the task.

To light 10 beacons you'll need these levels to complete:
79 Fire making.
56 Smithing.
42 Construction.
31 Prayer.

You have to have completed these quests:
Land of the Goblins.

Complete As a First Resort quest to access the salt water pools, these pools stop you from running out of run energy for a short amount of time depending on your agility level.

Unlock the following loadstones:

You'll need:
Amulet of Glory (4).
Ring of Dueling (8).
Combat Bracelet (4).
Goblin Village Sphere.
250 Logs of the same type (I used Mahogany).
War Tortoise Pouch (You can actually do it without a War Tortoise).
Cat Speak Amulet.
Davy Jones Hat.
Lava Eel.
2 Planks.
4 Nails.
2 Iron bars.
2-4 Cakes or Trout (whatever is available to you)

Weight reducing armor/clothes like:
Athlete's outfit pieces.
Boots of lightness.
Spotty/Spottier cape.
Wicked outfit pieces.
Agility outfit top/bottom.

Suit up!

Head: Athlete's headgear.
Neck: Amulet of Glory (4).
Top: Athlete's or Agility top.
Bottom: Athlete's or Agility bottom.
Boots: Boots of lightness.
Gloves: None.
Aura: I didn't have one.
Shield: None.

28 logs of the same type.

War Tortoise inventory:
16 logs of the same type.

First beacon: Near the Temple and Salve River.

Teleport to Varrock or use a Lumber Yard Teleport Scroll to go east of the Lumber Yard. Through the gates and continue east until you get to the stairs before the Temple. There is a beacon south of the stairs, so go up the stairs and south until you see the beacon.
Add logs to the beacon.

Second beacon: Near the Rag and bone man.

Run back to the stairs and go west back the way you came, until you come to the Rag and Bone man stairs. Go up and to the west of his house is a beacon.
Add logs to that beacon.

Teleport using the loadstone to Burthorpe or use the ring of dueling to teleport to Castle Wars and bank.
Withdraw 28 logs, fill up War Tortoise with logs and refill your inventory with logs and if you have it Lumber Yard Teleport Scroll. (It was quite expensive at the time I did this so I just ran) OR teleport tablet to Varrock.

Third beacon: Wilderness north of the Jolly Boar Inn.

Teleport using the scroll to the Lumber Yard or teleport to Varrock.
From the Lumber Yard you can run north to the Wilderness wall and continue west until you see the first beacon. Add logs to the beacon.

Fourth beacon: Wilderness north of the Varrock Castle.

This one is a short run west from the third beacon.
Add the logs to the beacon.

Teleport to Edgeville using the loadstone and go to the bank.
Fill both inventories with logs.

Fifth beacon: Wilderness, north of the Grand Exchange.

Running east towards the Grand Exchange along the wilderness wall. About half way north of the Grand Exchange is the next beacon.
Jump over the wilderness wall and add logs.

Sixth beacon: Edgeville north of the bank.

Teleport back to Edgeville using the loadstone or Glory amulet.
North of the Edgeville bank is a beacon.
Add logs to the beacon and then run south to the bank.

Withdraw the Davy Jones hat, and fill your inventory with logs also the BoB with logs.

Seventh beacon: Near the Black Knight's fortress.

Run west of the Edgeville monastery or use your combat bracelet to teleport to the Edgeville Monastery. Continue west up the mountain until you get to the Black Knight's fortress, and see the beacon.
Add logs to the beacon.

Eighth beacon: East side of Goblin Village.

Teleport to Goblin Village using the Goblin Village Sphere. Run east within the village to the beacon. Talk to the Goblin and he will notice you have a Davy Jones hat, give it to him and he'll hold 5 logs after you have lit the beacon. (Don't light it yet!)

Teleport to Burthorpe using the loadstone. Head south to the bank chest.
Withdraw a cat speak amulet and 2 iron bars. Then fill BoB inventory with logs as well as your own inventory with logs.

Ninth beacon: North east of Burthorpe.

Run north east, until you get to the Rune shop, behind the shop is a broken ladder that you must repair. Click on it to fix it. Now you can climb up.
Add logs to the beacon. Wear your cat speak amulet and talk to the cat who is sitting there.
She'll tell you she will help you hold 5 logs for you.

Tenth beacon: Wilderness, east of Death Plateau.

Teleport to Edgeville, bank and deposit all items.
20 logs.
Cooked Lava eel.
2 Planks.
4 Nails.
Varrock teleport tablet.

Your BoB can carry the logs if you want to take extra food/prayer potion/antipoision etc... for survival against the pkers/dragons/other npcs.

Walk west along the wilderness wall until you can go no further.
Rest to restore your run energy.

Jump over the wilderness wall, and run north keeping as close as you can to the west side of the wilderness as you can.
You'll be running past a War bands camp so make sure you check that there is not a war bands event happening when you are making this run.

Keep going north west, past the green dragons. Until you see a broken ladder on the west cliff. Quickly click on it to repair it and then climb it.
Up here you are out of the wilderness so you won't be attacked.

Add logs to the beacon, and talk to the troll. He will smell the lava eel. Give it to him and he'll help you too.

Teleport to a bank. Edgeville/Burthorpe.

We have finished the preparation part of this quest/mini-game.
Now comes the fun part.

Lighting the beacons!!

Have the following ready and easy to access in the bank:

25 logs.
Goblin Village Sphere.
Cat speak amulet.

Glory amulet with at least 2 charges on it.
Combat bracelet with at least 1 charge on it.

You will be doing 5 beacons first, then banking and doing the next 5.

So for this first 5 beacons your inventory should have:
25 logs
Lumber Yard Teleport
If you want to use a BoB to carry some logs for you to make lessen the weight. That's great otherwise you don't really need it.

When you bank the second time you'll need:
25 logs
Goblin Village Sphere.
Cat speak amulet.

If you have access to the Salt water pools in Oo'glo, use them. Teleport there by  using the loadstone that is close by.

It would be best if you soak in the salt water pools when you have everything you need for the first 5 beacons in your inventory.

So when you are ready. Let's go.

Make your way to the Rag and bone quest area and go to the first beacon.

First beacon: (Make a note of the time you light this beacon)

Click the beacon to light it, while you are lighting it,
right click on the a log in your inventory.

As soon as you the beacon is lit.

Use the log on the man who looks after the beacon.
A menu will come up, choose Yes, don't ask me for confirmation again. The next beacon people will not ask you for confirmation.

5 logs will be taken from you.

Second beacon:
Now quickly run to the Rag and bone man beacon.
Light that one, use a log on the lady and 5 logs will be taken off you.

Teleport to the Lumber Yard, or run to the next beacon.
Jump over the wilderness wall and light the beacon.
Use a log on the lady, 5 logs will be taken off you.

Run west until you reach the next beacon.
Light the beacon, and use a log on the lady looking after the beacon. 5 logs will be taken off you.

Continue running west within the wilderness wall until you reach the next beacon, light it and use logs on the lady. 5 logs will be taken off you.

Now teleport to Edgeville.
Run to the bank and withdraw:
25 logs.
Goblin Village Sphere.
Cat speak amulet.

6th beacon:
Teleport to monestary using the combat bracelet, and run west to the beacon near the Black Knight's fortress.
Light the beacon, and use a log on the Monk. 5 logs will be taken from you.

Teleport to Goblin Village using the Goblin Village Sphere. Run east to the beacon and light it.
Use logs on the Goblin looking after the beacon.

Teleport to Burthorpe using the loadstone.
Run east to past the Rune shop climb the ladder and light the beacon, use logs on the cat.

Teleport to Edgeville using your Glory amulet or the loadstone.
If you think you have time, bank everything but the logs.
Running as far west along the wilderness wall. Then jump the wilderness wall and run northwest.
Get to the beacon as fast as you can ignoring/avoiding any enemies that may come your way.
Climb the ladder to the beacon, light it and use the logs on the Troll.

Teleport to Varrock. Run to Varrock Castle.
King Roald is in the first room on the east side of the castle.
Talk to him and ask him for a reward.

He will give you:
Ring of fire
Flame gloves

Wearing one of these while fire making will give you a 2% boost.
Wearing both of these items will give you a 5% boost.


I hope this information helped. :D

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Super September Challenge Day 12, 28 different foods in inventory

Super September Challenge Day 12.

Have 28 different foods in your inventory and eat one.

This is my inventory. What I had available to me at the time. I was hanging out at the Grand Tree.

Can't quite see it so here's the list.

Premade worm crunchy
Premade spicy crunchy
Premade chocolate bomb
Premade vege batta
Premade tangled toad legs
Premade vege ball
Premade worm hole
Chocolate bar
Seaside rock
Summer pie
Pot of cream
Watermelon slice
Pineapple chunks

I tried inventory with:

White fruit
Purple sweets
Dwarven Stout (m)

They didnt work.

Good luck!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How to train Divination the new skill in RuneScape

I am so out of the loop when it comes to news of new things in RS now. I didn't even know a new skill was on the cards until earlier this month. I thought Jagex were not going to release until later on in the year.
I have been sick lately and quite busy.
O.K! So let's take a quick look at the newest skill to come out in RuneScape!

Where you gain XP from harvesting memories and energy and then "heal" the world by returning it back.

Here's how to train Divination.

Starting off head over to the camp West of Lumbridge, South of the Draynor loadstone.
Talk to Orla Fairweather. She is the one who will talk to you about Divination.

Or you can just get straight into training and go south of the camp to be surrounded by little floating balls. Called "Pale Wisps" whizzing around.
This area is where you will level up 1-10 and is known as Tier 1.

Pale Wisp

Click on the "Pale Wisp" it will stop and turn into a "Pale Spring", you'll then automatically harvest energy (not stackable) and memories (stackable) in your inventory.
You will receive energy, memories and Divination XP. Although you may not always get memories.
You can also click on existing "Springs" that are available too.

Harvesting energies and memories from a pale spring.

Inventory with stacked memories and unstacked energies

Once you have filled up your inventory with energy and memories, you should have already noticed a Crater.

Crater where you convert your collected energies/memories.

This is where you will convert your energies and/or memories.
So click on the Crater, and an interface will appear.

Memory Conversion menu

Here you can pick and choose how you want to convert the energy/memories you have collected. 
The first option is to convert all energies into memories.
The second (middle) option is to convert energies into Divination xp.
The last option is convert both memories and energies into Divination xp. Choosing this option it will convert 5 memories and 1 energy at a time. 

There are also other wisps to look out for these are called "Enhanced", they are larger wisps than the normal ones and are usually brighter. Make sure you let everyone around you know there is one, because the more people harvesting an enhanced spring the longer it will last. You will always get Enhanced energies from these springs. Which are worth more xp.

You will also notice there may be fragments which are golden in color whizzing around. These are called "Chronicle Fragments"
These will be only be seen by you for a few seconds before others see it so make sure you grab them as quick as you can. If you are lucky and capture a Chronicle Fragment, you'll be awarded with Hunter XP 10x your Huntering level.

You can only have 10 Chronicle Fragments in your inventory at a time. 

Take these Chronicle Fragments to May Stormweather who is in the Divination Camp, and she will award you with Divination XP.

Or if you have completed "The World Wakes" quest, you can offer them to the shrine in Guthix's Chamber for more XP!
The amount of XP you get depends on your Divination level.

So now that you know the basics of training Divination, here's where to train and how to find out where to train next!

Tier 1: Levels 1-10: South of the Draynor Loadstone.
Tier 2: Levels 10-20: East of the Falador Loadstone.
Tier 3: Levels 20-30: Digsite. Teleport to the Varrock Loadstone, run south east to the gate of Digsite, the                                        run directly north.
Tier 4: Levels 30-40: South of the Flax picking area in Seer's Village.
Tier 5: Levels 40-50: West of Relleka Slayer Cave.
Tier 6: Levels 50-60: North East of the Nature Alter.
Tier 7: Levels 60-70: North of Mobilising Armies.
Tier 8: Levels 70-80: North of Canifis, East of the Slayer Tower.
Tier 9: Levels 80-85: East of the Mage Training Arena.
Tier 10: Levels 85-90: Dragontooth Island.
Tier 11: Levels 90-95: South of Sophanem. (Take waterskins or charged enchanted water tiara.)
Tier 12: Levels 95-99: South of the Poison Wastes.

When you click on the memories in your inventory, will see that you can weave the memories. There are several things you can weave with these memories.

When training you'll want to save up enough energies to weave into boons. Once you have the right level to make a boon, you should make one as soon as you can. Boons will give you 10% boost when training in the next Tier.

That's how you can train Divination.

The rewards in this skill are plentiful, and as you get higher, the rewards are more useful.
I'll post up more information about the rewards in the next post.

I'm off for a nap!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

New Hi-Scores in RuneScape | YouTube

If you haven't watched "Behind the Scenes" video that Runescape released, regarding high scores. They are going to up in a new set of high scores.
Think of it like a competition, it's only there for a short time then they reset it.
So it could be a high scores for a certain set of skills and you the top 2 get special prizes. New emotes, skins, and crown.
I'm sitting on the fence with this. It's like spitting in the face of those that spent years on getting to the top of high scores.

Oh well, this doesn't effect me since I don't really care too much about high scores. Unless it's up against a friend, or a family member.
I will make an effort though. I don't know how I can keep up though unless I disown my kids and adopt Runescape as my child... hahah. No bloody way! I love my kids more than they would ever know, even when they piss me off. (Which is more often lately.. kids grow up into little monsters ya know ;))

Okay, so I am going to make huge effort into uploading videos at a certain time of the day of the week.

So starting Sunday 2nd June 2013, I will be uploading YT videos every Sunday at 2pm NZ time.

My channel has started to become more dedicated to Runescape '07, reason being I couldn't play EoC properly since they took away software mode. I think that's why. When I tried to play it would lag so bad, I couldn't attack anything without miss clicking several times. Playing '07 RS seemed the only option.
But now, that I have sort of got my laptop fixed, I can play again without a major lagfest! Wooohooo! So expect 'some' EoC content* from me at some point.

Thanks for reading, please subscribe to my YT channel. LivyGuides. Thanks and much appreciated.

*Please don't say EoC is for fags. It really isn't it's fun sometimes. I enjoy it just as much as '07 RS. :D

Friday, May 24, 2013

Quest Cape | Facing My Boss Fear

Quest Cape for 2013 goals
Here's the plan. I am going to play EoC on and off, and get the required levels to get the quest cape.
I only need the following levels 63/70 Prayer, 58/70 Construction, 66/77 Agility, 65/67 Hunting, 64/65 Herblore, 64/74 Theiving, 66/76 Crafting, 65/76 Mining, 68/80 Smithing and 63/65 Farming.


It's gonna be a hard long road. But with motivation I will get there.
The hardest part will be doing the quests. If anything, I cannot for the life of me get over the fear of going against a quest boss. I panic when my health goes down, and then freeze up.
I think I have to slowly build up my confidence.

I know, I'm a total noob. But if you had met me when I was trying to defeat the Elvag, you'd know why I don't do so well against bosses. Or just high level npc's.

Just thinking about Nomad.. Tormented Demons... and then there is Ritual of the Maharajahazahajajajajahanza.. NOOOOOOO... I can just see my deaths. 5 seconds into the fight and I'll be either dead or be spam clicking my house tele til kingdom come. Infact, for entertainment purposes I will record live reactions. So we all can laugh at how pathetic it sounds/looks. ;)

                                                     Image courtesy of Runescape Wiki

What was the hardest boss you went up against? Did you die, and how many times?
Or are you one of those that have no problems with hard bosses. Lucky you!
Thanks for reading.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dial-up speed & BF3 Fail?

I've been quite the busy little bee lately. Lots of things happening, not enough time to do it. Which is always the case. It's also getting colder, with winter approaching, I hope I don't get sick this time around.
Anyway, I managed to make an update video. I am not quite sure how to do update videos, but here is the first one so far.

Not really a flash as one, but it's a start.

So, I am unable to play RuneScape EoC at the moment, because this computer is old. Plus I am not very good at techy stuffs.

Example: I thought I was until I wanted to try out BF3 for the first time ever! Stupidly purchased & downloaded the game without even thinking whether this crappy PC would be able to play it.
So there I was, downloading and it was well over 20GB. GF Bandwidth.. Hello, dial-up speed for the next few days.
I purchased the game off, (they had a 24 hr deal buy it for $5!! w00t! Bargain!!) made an account. (LivyNZ I think?) Installed it, and went to bed. Installation would take at least another 3-4 hours at least and it was already 1:00am. Snoozy time for me.
Got up the next morning, after tending to the family. Turned on the screen, saw it was all ready to go. Yays!
Dove right in head first and tried to play "Campaign" or something. Haha! Sat there for at least a good 15 minutes. When a nice little pop up scares the hell out of me saying something about DirectX device creation error or something... Crap!!

Tried to see if I could update drivers, or if I could do anything to make my PC play this game.
There was nothing I could do unless I threw this computer out the blimming window and brought a new one. Or fix my laptop, which would probably cost the same as buying a new one. Sad.
Oh well. Never mind. BF3 will have to sit tight and wait as does RS3 urgh!

In other news haha. I've finished editing a quest. I just need to wait until dial-up mode has passed which should be next week.

I also finished my slayer task of Pyrefiends, luckily for me I was assigned Kalphites. Unlucky for them, they had to witness to the most noobiest fighter of all time.

I have had great fun in 2007 RS so far. Lot's of fun gathering things I need. My bank is a mess, I better clean it.

What's the worst slayer task you have ever been assigned? At the moment, mine is Earth Warriors... 2 words for this task... P.K, well that was actually 2 letters, but never mind.

See you in 07.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

2007 RuneScape Update - Livy 1

So, I thought about making a separate channel in YouTube for vLogs about my 07 RS account - Livy 1.
But after I posted my first video I thought the time and effort that goes into making a video PLUS, the state of my alternative PC. Since my laptop (R.I.P my dear) smashed it self to smithereens.

So here I am for those that are not able to watch my videos via YT because of low bandwidth, no speakers or just unable to. Writing a blog about it.

To start off... Let's get into it!

I have a 07 RS character called Livy 1. I have a secondary account Livy I, whom you may or may not have seen at the start of some quests. (The reason I used Livy I was because I didn't film the start of the quest. I was going to quit YouTube and just go ahead and play for the fun of it. Lucky I didn't huh.


Here are my current stats as of 22nd April 2013 5:23pm NZT.

 Yep pretty scody if you ask me. I don't play as much as I would love to.

Busy with everything, there are days that I go without playing.

Lately, I have been training slayer.
I swear that Vannaka has it in for me, almost every 2nd task I get from him is some absurd number of EARTH WARRIORS!
The only place I know that there are Earth Warriors are in level 30 Wildy. I think.

It's in the WILDERNESS!!

If you know me.. I try my best to avoid combat against  the following:

1. PKer's: They are professional killers. Ready to strike down a nublet such as myself.

2. Boss's 5 levels above me or that could K.O me in seconds.

C. Player Killers.. nuff sed.

Professional RuneScape PKERS
Image taken from Contributor: bplanet.

What do I do to get these canceled?

Haha! I go to the Burthorpe Slayer Master. I forgot his name. Oopsy!

That means that for approximately 5 minutes I am walking to Burthorpe.
I am a cheap-o and don't buy games necklaces or dueling rings.

Let's get back on track shall we?

This account will be my main account.
I am going for 60 attack soon. Just so I can wield better weapons. Eventually getting 70+.

My bank is cluttered with junk. I clean out my bank every month or whenever I can.

I have about 150k GPs.

Rune armor set. Not the plate body though. I still have to finish Dragon Slayer...

Ohhh.. Dragon Slayer quest.. This quest makes me want to quit several times over.


That's all for now. What are you going to do with your account?

In the next post I will be introducing myself.... OH.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2007 Old School RuneScape Servers are coming BACK!!

Hey Guys, I wrote up this little report, and was planning to post a video of it. But with time being short I thought I would just post it here. - Liv.

Old Runescape from the year 2007 is being brought back to life after 6 years of being dropped.

SoWre3ked released a petition that showed Jagex how much the players wanted old Runescape back.

Over 45,000 players signed the petition. with over half a million players finding solace in RS private servers, 
this petition was the voice that possibly pushed Mr Gerhard to listen. 

On the 13th of Feb Jagex CEO Mark Gerhard has released a post that would rock the RS community to its core.
Which would see Runescape land itself in yet more controversy after the EoC had failed please a majority of the community, and seeing more than a majority of loyal players quit.

Mr Gerhard says in his post that they would bring back the old Runescape that players so loved as long as the community voted limiting it to paying members.

The poll in where paying members vote also spilts the community with more and more f2p players feeling left out with no say in the matter.
Many disgruntled f2p players had been spamming the the forums explaining why they should vote.

This news has spread amongst the runescape YouTube community and several other communities prompting
players of the past to support and vote in favor of bringing back the old servers.

Why 2007 and not 2006 servers? JaGeX states that the last back up of the game was august 10th 2007. 
a few days short of the release of the God Wars Dungeon, the Grand Exchanged was released in November later that year.

"..a real pker knows how to pk without the use of fancy god armor and weaponry"  says one player on the official forums.

There are 4 tiers in which Mr Gerhard has stated in which will bring better features.All tiers reached will become a separate game from the EoC.

Tier 1 has 50,000 votes Runescape 2007 servers will come back but with the additional payment of and extra $15 on top of the current members fees. with no updates only critical maintenance.

Tier 2 if the community manages to get 250,00 votes, an extra $5 on top of the current members fee, a small development team support, basic maintenance and the possibility of anti-bot technology

Tier 3 votes reaching 500,000, there will be no extra fees, a dedicated team for bug fixes and regular maintenance and anti-bot technology.

If votes reach Tier 4, 750k votes, no extra fee will be paid, a small portion of the game will be available to all players including free to play community,  a dedicated developmental team, continuous maintenance  anti-botting technology, and members polls to vote what content to bring into these servers.

The poll was released on the 15th of Feb and has already reached over 226,000 votes. 

Runescape's original help website released a poll of its own TWO DAYS before Mr Gerhard released the news to the public about bringing back the 2007 old servers.

Options seen in the polls can be seen in Mr Gerhard's poll.
The question that was asked was:
How much would you be willing to pay to play on a 2007 Runescape server?.

The results so far:
43% of the voters not wanting to pay the extra fees. 
14% voters would pay an extra $5
2% voters would pay $15 extra for 2007 servers. 
7% didn't mind what they paid, 
14% would play if it were free and a 
19% said they would NOT play on the 2007 servers.

Players are urged to vote for the re-release of the 2007 RS servers before it closes on the 1st of March 2013. Those that vote will also get their first month free. 

Servers will go live 22nd Feb 2013, Mod Mark said it would probably be very late in the evening.

So will you be voting for 2007 servers returning or will you continue with EoC?
Or will you be doing a mixture of both?
