I couldn't find any up to date information about how to get to some of the beacons after the new Burthorpe update.
So here is a quick guide on how to get it done assuming you have done the quests for it and are using a War Tortoise.
I was only able to complete 10 beacons, as my fire making was only at level 84 at the time I did it.
Prepare everything before lighting any beacons!!
(You can stock all the beacons with logs and they will stay there until you light them! You don't have to rush this part, go as slow as you wish.. I did and it took me over an hour. Only because I didn't know what I was doing or where I was going!)
You'll be using 250 of the same logs so use the highest burning logs that you can afford. I had mahogany logs on hand so thats what I used. The higher leveled log you have the longer they will burn. Giving you more time to complete the task.
To light 10 beacons you'll need these levels to complete:
79 Fire making.
56 Smithing.
42 Construction.
31 Prayer.
You have to have completed these quests:
Land of the Goblins.
Complete As a First Resort quest to access the salt water pools, these pools stop you from running out of run energy for a short amount of time depending on your agility level.
Unlock the following loadstones:
You'll need:
Amulet of Glory (4).
Ring of Dueling (8).
Combat Bracelet (4).
Goblin Village Sphere.
250 Logs of the same type (I used Mahogany).
War Tortoise Pouch (You can actually do it without a War Tortoise).
Cat Speak Amulet.
Davy Jones Hat.
Lava Eel.
2 Planks.
4 Nails.
2 Iron bars.
2-4 Cakes or Trout (whatever is available to you)
Weight reducing armor/clothes like:
Athlete's outfit pieces.
Boots of lightness.
Spotty/Spottier cape.
Wicked outfit pieces.
Agility outfit top/bottom.
Suit up!
Head: Athlete's headgear.
Neck: Amulet of Glory (4).
Top: Athlete's or Agility top.
Bottom: Athlete's or Agility bottom.
Boots: Boots of lightness.
Gloves: None.
Aura: I didn't have one.
Shield: None.
28 logs of the same type.
War Tortoise inventory:
16 logs of the same type.
First beacon: Near the Temple and Salve River.
Teleport to Varrock or use a Lumber Yard Teleport Scroll to go east of the Lumber Yard. Through the gates and continue east until you get to the stairs before the Temple. There is a beacon south of the stairs, so go up the stairs and south until you see the beacon.
Add logs to the beacon.
Second beacon: Near the Rag and bone man.
Run back to the stairs and go west back the way you came, until you come to the Rag and Bone man stairs. Go up and to the west of his house is a beacon.
Add logs to that beacon.
Teleport using the loadstone to Burthorpe or use the ring of dueling to teleport to Castle Wars and bank.
Withdraw 28 logs, fill up War Tortoise with logs and refill your inventory with logs and if you have it Lumber Yard Teleport Scroll. (It was quite expensive at the time I did this so I just ran) OR teleport tablet to Varrock.
Third beacon: Wilderness north of the Jolly Boar Inn.
Teleport using the scroll to the Lumber Yard or teleport to Varrock.
From the Lumber Yard you can run north to the Wilderness wall and continue west until you see the first beacon. Add logs to the beacon.
Fourth beacon: Wilderness north of the Varrock Castle.
This one is a short run west from the third beacon.
Add the logs to the beacon.
Teleport to Edgeville using the loadstone and go to the bank.
Fill both inventories with logs.
Fifth beacon: Wilderness, north of the Grand Exchange.
Running east towards the Grand Exchange along the wilderness wall. About half way north of the Grand Exchange is the next beacon.
Jump over the wilderness wall and add logs.
Sixth beacon: Edgeville north of the bank.
Teleport back to Edgeville using the loadstone or Glory amulet.
North of the Edgeville bank is a beacon.
Add logs to the beacon and then run south to the bank.
Withdraw the Davy Jones hat, and fill your inventory with logs also the BoB with logs.
Seventh beacon: Near the Black Knight's fortress.
Run west of the Edgeville monastery or use your combat bracelet to teleport to the Edgeville Monastery. Continue west up the mountain until you get to the Black Knight's fortress, and see the beacon.
Add logs to the beacon.
Eighth beacon: East side of Goblin Village.
Teleport to Goblin Village using the Goblin Village Sphere. Run east within the village to the beacon. Talk to the Goblin and he will notice you have a Davy Jones hat, give it to him and he'll hold 5 logs after you have lit the beacon. (Don't light it yet!)
Teleport to Burthorpe using the loadstone. Head south to the bank chest.
Withdraw a cat speak amulet and 2 iron bars. Then fill BoB inventory with logs as well as your own inventory with logs.
Ninth beacon: North east of Burthorpe.
Run north east, until you get to the Rune shop, behind the shop is a broken ladder that you must repair. Click on it to fix it. Now you can climb up.
Add logs to the beacon. Wear your cat speak amulet and talk to the cat who is sitting there.
She'll tell you she will help you hold 5 logs for you.
Tenth beacon: Wilderness, east of Death Plateau.
Teleport to Edgeville, bank and deposit all items.
20 logs.
Cooked Lava eel.
2 Planks.
4 Nails.
Varrock teleport tablet.
Your BoB can carry the logs if you want to take extra food/prayer potion/antipoision etc... for survival against the pkers/dragons/other npcs.
Walk west along the wilderness wall until you can go no further.
Rest to restore your run energy.
Jump over the wilderness wall, and run north keeping as close as you can to the west side of the wilderness as you can.
You'll be running past a War bands camp so make sure you check that there is not a war bands event happening when you are making this run.
Keep going north west, past the green dragons. Until you see a broken ladder on the west cliff. Quickly click on it to repair it and then climb it.
Up here you are out of the wilderness so you won't be attacked.
Add logs to the beacon, and talk to the troll. He will smell the lava eel. Give it to him and he'll help you too.
Teleport to a bank. Edgeville/Burthorpe.
We have finished the preparation part of this quest/mini-game.
Now comes the fun part.
Lighting the beacons!!
Have the following ready and easy to access in the bank:
25 logs.
Goblin Village Sphere.
Cat speak amulet.
Glory amulet with at least 2 charges on it.
Combat bracelet with at least 1 charge on it.
You will be doing 5 beacons first, then banking and doing the next 5.
So for this first 5 beacons your inventory should have:
25 logs
Lumber Yard Teleport
If you want to use a BoB to carry some logs for you to make lessen the weight. That's great otherwise you don't really need it.
When you bank the second time you'll need:
25 logs
Goblin Village Sphere.
Cat speak amulet.
If you have access to the Salt water pools in Oo'glo, use them. Teleport there by using the loadstone that is close by.
It would be best if you soak in the salt water pools when you have everything you need for the first 5 beacons in your inventory.
So when you are ready. Let's go.
Make your way to the Rag and bone quest area and go to the first beacon.
First beacon: (Make a note of the time you light this beacon)
Click the beacon to light it, while you are lighting it,
right click on the a log in your inventory.
As soon as you the beacon is lit.
Use the log on the man who looks after the beacon.
A menu will come up, choose Yes, don't ask me for confirmation again. The next beacon people will not ask you for confirmation.
5 logs will be taken from you.
Second beacon:
Now quickly run to the Rag and bone man beacon.
Light that one, use a log on the lady and 5 logs will be taken off you.
Teleport to the Lumber Yard, or run to the next beacon.
Jump over the wilderness wall and light the beacon.
Use a log on the lady, 5 logs will be taken off you.
Run west until you reach the next beacon.
Light the beacon, and use a log on the lady looking after the beacon. 5 logs will be taken off you.
Continue running west within the wilderness wall until you reach the next beacon, light it and use logs on the lady. 5 logs will be taken off you.
Now teleport to Edgeville.
Run to the bank and withdraw:
25 logs.
Goblin Village Sphere.
Cat speak amulet.
6th beacon:
Teleport to monestary using the combat bracelet, and run west to the beacon near the Black Knight's fortress.
Light the beacon, and use a log on the Monk. 5 logs will be taken from you.
Teleport to Goblin Village using the Goblin Village Sphere. Run east to the beacon and light it.
Use logs on the Goblin looking after the beacon.
Teleport to Burthorpe using the loadstone.
Run east to past the Rune shop climb the ladder and light the beacon, use logs on the cat.
Teleport to Edgeville using your Glory amulet or the loadstone.
If you think you have time, bank everything but the logs.
Running as far west along the wilderness wall. Then jump the wilderness wall and run northwest.
Get to the beacon as fast as you can ignoring/avoiding any enemies that may come your way.
Climb the ladder to the beacon, light it and use the logs on the Troll.
Teleport to Varrock. Run to Varrock Castle.
King Roald is in the first room on the east side of the castle.
Talk to him and ask him for a reward.
He will give you:
Ring of fire
Flame gloves
Wearing one of these while fire making will give you a 2% boost.
Wearing both of these items will give you a 5% boost.
I hope this information helped. :D
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